Ross Hunter’s letter in the Williamson County Sun on May 24, 2017 – which we reproduced in an earlier post – claimed that the city is deliberately misleading the townspeople as to the condition of the bridges. It claimed that the bridges are very safe, and that the city knows this, even though it continues in all its public communications to state that the bridges are structurally deficient.
The letter stated that TxDOT had advised the city last year that the bridges were safe. This claim refers to a letter that TxDOT sent to the city a year ago, on May 2, 2016, raising the load limit of the bridges to 68,000 pounds. The city never communicated this fact to the people, and declined to post new load limit signs. To date, the bridges are posted at a load limit of 48,000 pounds.
The TxDOT letter was obtained and released as a public service through the efforts of the Georgetown Neighborhood Alliance. You can view and download the letter below.